Wednesday, October 20, 2010

entri bosan :DD

Huargh.bosan yang melampau.because of my illness,I need to be quarantined in home for 2 weeks and cannot have any contact with the outsiders.coz I might get infected with virusses and even sekarang pon tengah jerebu kan?so memang lagi tipis la harapan nak ke mane ;/.and tadi after jumpe doc,kene marah gile2.*cries*.die marah sebab aku restrain myself from eating anything.the operation area da jadi worse sebab aku tak makan.die kate if aku still tak makan jugak,aku akan start muntah darah balik and kene undergo operation sekali lagi.weh,scares me dowh.yang operation ni pon da cukup seksa.natasya yang banyak cakap,da berape hari tak kuar suare.tatau la bende tu mcm kebaikan or keburukan.bagi korang mesti kebaikan kan?haha :DD
So now,aku force jugak makan something even if it hurts gile kalu nak telan.macam makan api,rase terbakar tekak.and recovery time die takes about a month.Pftt!a month?memang kurus keding la aku ==’.kang kalu aku kurus sangat takut ramai lelaki beratur nak kat aku.haha.tu tandenye jin perasan da merasuk ye kawan2.tehee.biar la nak perasan sekali sekala.haha.and aku sangat susah hati sekarang sebab rumours spreading around about 200 asasian might be kicked out if they failed mtc012.dayumm!aku da la jawab paper tu macam jahanam.Oh Allah,please has mercy upon me.
And thing seems like going really well for me.Im not saying that there’s no problem at all.there are a lot of problems,but I have learned to handle things in more calmer ways.and everyday im praying to Allah that things will be just fine between my friends.May the Ukhwah and the love become much more stronger.Aku harap that kite sume sentiase tabah even banyak mane dugaan melanda.



Prettyvrach said...

la...natasya sakit ape?get well soon okies.=)

msmoonlightdim said...

owh,ade infection kat saluran penafasan and tonsilitis.thanks :)