Anda mungkin sakit jantung lepas tengok semua gambar ni. Sesiapa yang minum air disarankan terus tutup desktop.Ibu mengandung disarankan jangan tengok terus takut kene badi.
*FORM 4*
sile abaikan result yang ketara jumlah c nye tu
*FORM 5*
*18 y/o*
yeah guys, semua tu gamba-gamba saye. tade satu pon gambar orang laen mahupon gambar super imposed. saye bukan artis yang keje bagi alasan gambar super imposed.
i looook, hideous aite? like the ugly betty and the word ugly seems so fit on me. yeah right. i had heard those words so many times before. i cant even counted them.
aku tetibe je fikir bende ni post bende ni. ini bukan buka pekung didada. sepatutnye, semua orang kene terima kelemahan diri masing masing. so what if u have crooked teeth, protruded mouth like me? just smile la weh. aku ni dulu sengal ubi, sebab tu bile orang ejek sikit je cengeng nak nangis. pastu sebab mase tu macam deeply tension pasal bende ni terus jadi social freak. tanak socialize dengan orang langsung smpai kene masuk asrama dari form1.tapi masuk asrama tu kinda boast up my self-esteem la. lantak pi la nak jadi smeared macam mane pon. nak jadi minat hobo mane sebab pakai tudung selekeh nak mam. tade orang nak kau? angkat tangan like i care je weh.
aku tak nafikan sebab selalu kene ejek tu la aku jadi macam sangat low self esteem. tapi salah aku jugak, sebab aku biarkan diri aku ni wallow in self pity. i should just wear my braces,put on my best clothes,and took off my glasses. ape nak takut, just walk confidently. ni jalan pon nak slouch bahu. bile dah besar baru nak perasan yang bahu dah bongkok. asyik membongkok sangat. hambek bahana kau. kau rase kau tak cantik? weh bole stop comparing to others tak? sebab kau asyik compare dengan yang cantik. cube kau compare dengan tak cantik, dalam hati mesti terdetik, cantik lagi aku. so just kate kau cantik. sape nak puji kau kalu bukan diri sendiri?tapi jgn sampai kau engat kau j.lo pulak, tu dah tahap ujub maksima.
sape sape yang rase die hodoh. i just can say this, i've been there before. its all about us actually, whether u choose to hear all those scornful words tu ke or kau nak dengar hati kau yang puji manis manis belaka?aku pernah orang cakap aku macam betty. seingat aku, aku f3 rasenye. then aku cakap balik, bile kite dah besar, kite ubah la jadi rosalinda. die gelak. aku dah terase nak mencarut 3 kajang dalam hati. i showed her, im not that betty anymore. im far less than rosalinda, at least im close to america ferrera kan? haha
i have
very low self esteem before because of my face. im sure still have it now but
its getting better. back then, i cant even stand alone infront of public. i
will go histeric. i cant pay for my own food because i afraid to get up from
the chair. i cant pay for my own stuff since im afraid what will the cashier
think about me. i used to like my face when i was still a child. my mother
said, its okay if you are not cantik, as long pekerti kene jaga. so i just be
grateful for what Allah has given me. at least, im not handicap anywhere. i
comforted myself by saying, my face was superbly constructed,thats why it turns
out this way. but those people yang rasa akucantikthatswhyakuadehakkutukorang
tu never think that way. kang kalu aku suruh lift your middle finger kat orang yang cakap kurang ajar kat kau tu, dah pulak hambur aku cakap suruh buat dosa bulan pose. so aku cadangkan, kite muhasabah diri balik. yang cakap tu pon tak perfect, bile die cakap kat kau macam die cakap balik kat diri die sendiri je sebenarnye. Allah knows better :)
anjakan paradigma...nice =)
WOWWWWWW. Okay. Peewit. Nak ngorat boleh? Ehem.
Okay gurau. Hehe.
Btw,aku agree dengan kau actually. Sama lah dengan aku. Dulu,masa aku sekolah rendah,aku budak yang obes kot. Serius. Gemuk. Dah lah gemuk,hitam. Even tinggi cepat,aku stil gemuk hitam yang buruk.
Semua orang kutuk aku.
Tapi bila aku naik sekolah menengah,around Form 3,aku jadi kurus gila. Kurus sangat sangat. Tapi tulang frame besar. Lepas tu , aku usaha habis habisan buat work out semua,dan lepas tu badan aku jadi macam badan Seth Tan atau Fahrin Ahmad.
Bukan nak promote diri lah. But,that is the thing. Belajar nak hormat diri sebelum orang lain hormat diri kita. Semua kau dah cakap kat atas tu ha. Aku agree sangat sangat.
Good Job beb! Nice entry. It should be a lesson to all those yang low self esteem atau rasa inferior dengan penampilan dorang :D
tasha, lain gila time form 4 tuuu huhu
@ain farahah : definitely dear :)
@kucing : couldn't agree more. we should be proud of ourselves. orang yg over confidence pon belom tentu boleh berjaya. :)
@asyirah : wahhhhh, dah agak dah mesti ckp macam tu. hahaha
aku tak terkejut sgt pasal dah penah tgk gmba kau dlu. teehee~
eh, asal ak tetibe ade kt sni ni? -.-
p/s- word verification ni ak xsuka ye. hehe
manje sila senyum dan terlihatkan gigi anda , i like :DD
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