Tuesday, January 18, 2011

kau si pencinta yang macam mane?

Oh yeah.Today in psychology class,the lecturer explains to us about love.even I supposedly give a speech about love during the English class but the lecturer told us to proceed in sending our assignment and save the speech for the next class.pity me aint?nahhh.i don’t really that prepared so horayy for me la.Continue bout the LOVE that I mentioned before,love is simply too complex to be talked about.This makes love a very special feeling,uniquely,it gives one an experience that no other feeling could give and that includes lust and infatuation.Meh aku bagitau kepada sesiapa yang tak tau bahawasanya ade 6 jenis cinta.Bukan cinta sesame manusia mahupon cinta sesame jenis.oh tidak,jauh sekali tekaan anda.sila baca dengan jelas cinta cinta dibawah ini and then korang pikir sedalam yang mungkin,cinta manakah anda anda ini.
-It can be understand as passionate love.Kau angau tahap gaban dengan partner korang.Tak jumpe seminit terase mandi tak basah,makan tak kenyang,perut tak lapar,tidur tak lena.Tu baru seminit.belom sejam.People who are in this kind of love tend to be carried away with the emotion.The love that they thought sparks in their heart.bak kate cikgu aku,macam kau terkena renjatan elektrik.begitu la kuat kuasenye.sape tak tau renjatan elektrik tu macam mane,gi try peluk tiang tnb mane mase kilat tengah memancar.insyaAllah korang rase.back to the topic,when the passion that they felt before went away and stops suddenly,they will be very brokenhearted.devastated.the frustration is so hard.sakit yang amat.most of the times,lust is more than love in this kind of feelings that they have.and they tend to pretend to be someone that their not in this kind of love.
-owh ini sangat kontroversi.maaf kepada player-player ataupon buaye-buaye di luar sane yang tersedak separuh mati mase bace ni.ye,ludus is the type of love where a person can share his/her love with many people.He can love many person at the same time.It more towards game playing love.Aku cinta kau,tapi dalam mase yang same aku cinta kau jugak.lebih kurang macam tu la example nye.jenis ni agak menakutkan.Dia sangat pandai sorok rase rase cinta die ni dekat makhluk2 yang die berkenan,but bile things bocor,memang mampus la die kene hambat.aku rase manusia macam ni tak jumpe apa yang die cari dalam dunie.nak bahagia tapi die seniri tak tau bahagia tu ape.die Nampak bahagia dalam diri Si A tapi die Nampak jugak sayang dalam diri B.so ape die buat?die kasi cinta die kat due due.freaky aint?beware dowh.ramai keparat2 macam ni dalam dunie skang.
Aku rase aku tergolong dalam cinta yang ni.this is a companion need love.U start as a friend,then u feel attracted towards each other and eventually the love comes.Sparks show between both of you.different for eros,they who falls in this category don’t pretend or act like someone who they are not.they be real towards each other since they comfortable letting their trueself go coz they started as a friend.Ini namenye,kenal dulu baru cinta.bukan kau pakai mintak no manusia mane2 ntah then kau text sebulan due terus ily bagai2.tup tup,kapel.syok ke macam tu wahai manusia?bagi aku tak.sebab nye,previous relationship aku sume pon memang start dari kawan then dah setahun macam tu baru start rapat.aku nakkan long term punye hubungan.takat sebulan due memang aku bolayan je la.tak hadap mak nak sekejap macam tu.haha

Logical love explains this the best.u think logically who u want to be with.kau ade bayangan yang lengkap.critieria yang kau nak.jenis ni,die consider banyak bende before commit into serious relationship.kau tend to be chossy.tak cukup satu sifat,REJECT.mereka mereka ini sendiri yang decide whether they want to love that particular person or not.They are much more matured compare to those who involved in the above types.
Kau bace pon macam kau da bole agak kan?yes,an obsessive lover.You need to be freak out if u fall in love with this kind of person.susah nak keluar once kau da masuk.mane taknye,semua bende pon nak control.kau buang air sekejap pon wajibul ghunnah dibagitahu.mereka mereka ini tend untuk conquer the whole relationship and feels like that their partner is made just for them.they get jelous for nothing.even the simplest thing can stimulate the jelousy.for example,bile stranger tanye direction lagak marah and cemburu die ,macam stranger tu masuk meminang.they are overprotective yang sampai buat orang rimas rase cam nak tampa2 je.Setiap sejam telefon bagitau ade kat mane.wajib text 24/7.kene call before sleep.mule mule maybe yes,korang akan rase ‘alamak,sweetnye hidup ngan kau’.try due bulan macam tu.kompem kau pack barang hi hi bye bye.
Ni last type.and aku kadang kadang rase simpati but at the same time aku rase bangge dengan golongan ni.mereka ini tergolong dalam mereka yang amalkan pengorbanan dalam cinta.to be exact selfless love.Kau care about your spouse more than you care about yourselves.kau sayang die,kau jage die lebih dari segala-galenye.then die suke someone else,kau tarik diri,let go die asalkan die bahagia.or when kau discover he/she already commit to other person,kau sanggup lepas semate-mate taknak die susah buat keputusan.taknak die rase ralat.kau kasi die bahagia even hati kau derita.kau senyum depan die even hati kau dah banjir macam musim tengkujuh.kau banyak sacrifice.tapi nasihat aku,bukan semua bende kite kene let go untuk bagi orang laen bahagia sebab kadang kadang,dorang takkan buat bende yang same bile melibatkan diri kau.
So there you.fikir and decide la kau jatuh bawah golongan yang mane.agak agak si player ludus tu bawak2 la bertaubat.si lust eros pon gi basuh hati tu dekat tujuh masjid,bagi kurang sikit nafsu2 syaiton mase bercinta.haha.and si maniac mania,kau bercinta dengan diri seniri je la weh.menakutkan.
Love is patient and kind,it is not jelous or conceited or proud.love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable.love does not keep a record of wrongs,love is not happy with evil but is happy with the truth.Love never gives up,and its faith,hope and patience never fail.


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