hey there,its been a while now.asal aku private blog hampas ni then tetibe publickan balik?biar aku tanye and jawab seniri even korang tak tanye.aku exam and i need to priotize it first.and now,with one more paper to go,i can breath clamly dah.ceihh,padahal ade lagi satu paper buat buat sombong macam dah habis bace.
habis due sem dah pon.sob sob.eh sumpah aku tacing mase type "habis".cuti 6 bulan nanti aku tatau dah sape nak teman aku dengan lame jokes,movie marathon yang tak berkesudahan,cerita hantu yang separa menakutkan,perangai sekor-sekor yang penat aku nak layan,overnight same same,gelak guling guling.sape wehhhh nak teman.okay fine TACING T___T
aku rase mesti korang dah dengar ayat ni berjuta kali.'aku belajar banyak duduk kat sini" eh suke hati aku la nak ulang bape kali pon.nak ulang jugak.aku belajar banyak bende duduk kat sini,kenal dengan diorang.goshh,rase cam nak stop mase.ade moments yang aku betul betul rase like "eh fuck gile" ade mase mase yang aku rase bile pandang muke sorang sorang "air mate tolongla jangan mengalir" and ade masenye aku rase "Aku nak happy macam ni sampai bile bile".macam macam rase macam macam perisa,rencah yang ade.
aku jumpe ni dalam blog kawan aku, http://aainaanajwa.blogspot.com/ and she speaks everything about friendship.
'Basically, friendship isn't about who stays as a companion being a source of laughter, but also who can lend you a shoulder to cry on. It's not about who stays the longest and who doesn't. It's about who came and never leave. Who trusts and loyal. Who appreciates a friend. Who sees a friend's sparkle instead of judging their flaws. Who accept their minor lack-ness over the diamond side of them. Who persuade his/her friends towards better. Who gives out the best of everything for his/her friends. Who never toyed around with our trusts. Who doesn't mean forever as a year or two or less but it really means till the end. And on top of all, who never turn their back in any circumstances.'bile aku cakap yang korang kawan aku sampai mati,i really mean it :')
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