Saturday, December 17, 2011

MY 2011

Dah nak tamat dah pon tahun 2011. Kirenye tahun depan dah masuk angka 20. Aku amek final exam dalam keadaan aku berumur 20 tahun. Mak ai. Dah masuk puluh. Belas dah tinggal belakang. Ni saje nak buat tacing aiii. Rase diri tua dah. And angka tu mungkin memerlukan kematangan yang lebih dari aku.

Rasenye tahun ni paling banyak ups and down dalam hidup aku. kalah tahun amek spm dolu-dolu. And dalam ups and down tu ade banyak bende yang aku rase aku besyukur even dalam die mendownkan aku, ade jugak hikmah disebaliknye. Bawah ni antara 5 bende penting yang terjadi dalam hidup aku.

1.Dapat sambung buat ijazah pengajian undang-undang.
-Ini rasenye achievement terbesar aku. perit gile mase nak tunggu keputusan masuk sini. Dah rase sampai satu tahap aku dah redha dan pasrah kalau tak dapat sambung belajar law. Amek la admin ke, Mascomm ke kahwin ke. Eh over. Haha. Aku sampai dah rase macam tu. Nasib baik rezeki lebih sikit dapat belajar law.

2. Muet dapat band 3.
- aku rase kalau putar balik mase pon ini antara bende yang aku tetap rase macam nak tekan butang delete. Sebab ni la aku dah tak yakin nak sambung law. For those in asasi and want to continue doing degree in law need to achieve band 4 and above. Sadly during that time, I was not one of the lucky students. I only managed to get band 3. Serius sedih mase tu. Dah rase macam bodoh gile dah. Sebab kalau bab pelajaran ni rasenye mase dapat band 3 tu antara saat yang tak bole diterima langsung.

3. Muet dapat band 5.
- Redha Allah dengan mak bapak tu penting. Between that crucial time of the 6 months luckily I got the chance to repeat my Muet. Mase repeat second time ni aku memang dah niat kalau dapat band 3 lagi aku memang dah takkan repeat dah. Mungkin Allah dah tetapkan aku dekat course lain. Tapi Allah ade better plan untuk aku. Mase check result tu aku rase macam tatau nak rase ape. Terkejut kot tengok result. Ye la, aku harap band 4 je, mane nak tau rezeki lebih dapat band 5. Alhamdulillah sangat dah. But actually bile mase degree result ni macam jadi beban untuk aku. because when u achieved something higher than your actual level, people actually expect more from you.

4. Kerja for the first time.
- I worked my ass off. Balik malam. Kadang kadang pukul satu baru sampai rumah. Pukul lapan esok dah kene masuk kerja balik. Penat but the experience was so worth it. I met new people, put myself in a new environment, learnt that this world is infested with so many type of people, some good and some evil. And gladly I survived.

5. cut the ties with my own bestfriend.
- I dunno if whether I should write this down but since its all in the past I think we’ll be good. Yeah I did. And maybe this somewhat is one of those good things that happened in my life. Things were really going well between us but bad things showed up and its like a domino effect. One bad thing after another. Then I guess we both cant really handle the pressure. During that time, I really put all the blame on me alone but then I realized, after all this is not really that bad. I gave myself a room to retaliate. To have my own space. I spent my whole life worrying about others but at that particular moment I realized I should stop doing that. Im thankful for everything. And we both are in good terms right now. Thought not as we were in the past but things end up pretty well for us both.

So these are the things that happened in my life throughout this year. Its been going well and I hope it will continue that way in the future :)


1 comment:

Che Wan AlFateh said...

thats life...=) all the best 4u...i also face the same phase...